Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It has come to my attention recently that just around the corner from where I live, a group full of squatters has settled down. What is a squatter? you might ask. Well the answer is simple. A squatter is somebody who lives in old or broken-down buildings that no longer are used. I live in what from the outside looks like a long row of houses. Inside, we each have our own bedroom and share everything else. Around the corner is a similar row of houses, except these are all boarded up, painted with grafitti, and otherwise pretty unattractive. A group of guys, including a couple of students that go to my school, now live there. This is possible because of a Dutch rule that I was informed about last week. If a building is unused for a year, anybody can break in, change the locks or doors, then call the police (yes, you're actually supposed to call the police!) and you can legally live there. Crazy, eh? Now the owners of the building are obviously allowed to kick their newfound tenants out, but if they do so, they must utilize the building within 3 months or something like that. Apparently the owners of these houses must either not give a shit, or not have enough money to make the move worthwhile. In the meantime, these guys are living there free of charge. I'm pretty positive that they have running water and electricity, but even if not, does it really matter? They have found a way to live without signing a contract or approving some agreement. Legally. Shit, I could think of a hundred places to live if it was like this back home.

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